
Volume 9-10: Berkshire Nonconformist Meeting House Registrations, 1689-1852 (Parts I&2)

Original price was: £45.00.Current price is: £6.00.

The wonderfully detailed churchwardens’ accounts of St Laurence, Reading, offer a vivid insight into the impact of the Reformation on a local parish, as successive governments moved the country from Catholic to Protestant, back to Catholic (under Mary) and finally to Protestant under Elizabeth.



Berkshire Nonconformist Meeting House Registrations, 1689-1852 (Part I)

Edited by Lisa Spurrier

Published by Berkshire Record Society in 2005

ISBN: 0 9524946 9 8

Under the Toleration Act of 1689, protestant dissenters were permitted to worship in public provided that their premises were licensed by either Quarter Sessions or the church authorities. With minor modifications, the system lasted until 1852. These volumes contain the texts of all surviving Berkshire registration certificates for nonconformist places of worship (including tents and a field) between those years. The certificates provide evidence about both the meeting-houses themselves and the leading individuals involved making them of great value to those researching the history of their community as well as to historians of religion.

Berkshire Nonconformist Meeting House Registrations, 1689-1852 (Part II)

Edited by Lisa Spurrier

Published by Berkshire Record Society in 2005

ISBN: 0 9548716 0 X

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