

All published volumes are carefully edited, comprehensively indexed and include introductions explaining the background to the documents they present. They are attractively produced and uniformly bound in soft covers.

The majority of past volumes are available for purchase through the Berkshire Record Society. Members may purchase back numbers at the normal members’ rate. Non-members may purchase individual volumes (subject to availability) at £25.00 each. Postage and Packing within the UK is £2.50. Volume 1 is now out of print but is available online using the links at the foot of the Volume 1 page.

Where a volume has been published as two parts a 10% discount will apply if both parts are purchased. The price is therefore £45.00 rather than £50.00. This applies to volumes 6 and 7, volumes 9 and 10, volumes 11 and 12, volumes 19 and 20, and volumes 23 and 24. Postage and Packing within the UK is £5.00

The Berkshire Probate Index is in three volumes and is only available as a set at £67.50. Postage and Packing within the UK is £8.00 (Please enquire for overseas rates)

30th Anniversary Sale!

BRS is celebrating its 30th year of publishing key sources of Berkshire history. As a celebration, all back issues in print up to volume 24 are now available at a special price of £3 each (plus p&p).

Multi-volume editions are available at £3 per volume (plus p&p). This is the perfect opportunity to pick up volumes you don’t already have.

Volume 28: Living in Tudor Windsor

Using the records of the sixteenth-century town, this volume traces Windsor’s reaction to this unexpected turn of events. The borough Corporation, led (and controlled) by Windsor’s businessmen, attempted  – with...

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